We make good care better

"At the center of medicine there is always a human relationship between a patient and a doctor."
Michael Balint

ABS Organizational Structure

The American Balint Society is a volunteer-led organization wherein the Council governs all aspects of its work and various committees are tasked with specific functions. We strive for a Council and committee membership that represents the diversity of practitioners and disciplines who utilize Balint groups.

ABS Committees

The committees do the heavy lifting of planning events and intensives, overseeing leadership training, compiling scholarly research, membership engagement, and maintaining an historical archive. The ABS Organizational Chart provides information on which committees may be open to new members if you are interested in getting involved.

ABS Council

Members of the Council are elected by the membership. They serve two year terms and may be re-elected or fulfill different roles over time. Term limits apply to all roles on the Council to ensure healthy revitalization.  Click on an image to learn more about that individual.

Phil Phelps

Janet Walker
Immediate Past President

Lisa Buck
President Elect

Alan Ng

Vidush Athyal

Allison Bickett
IBF Representative 

Connie Hixson
2nd Term

Kathy Mullins
1st Term

Shana O'Marra
1st Term

Terri Wall
2nd Term

Brian Wexler
2nd Term

Lisa Whitten
1st Term

Robbie Sherman
Chair of Credentialing

Eran Metzger
Coordinator of Intensives

Yuxi Zhang
Graduate Education Representative

Meron Hagos
Brandeis Fellow