We make good care better

"At the center of medicine there is always a human relationship between a patient and a doctor."
Michael Balint

Lisa Buck, MD
ABS President Elect

My name is Lisa Buck  and I got bit by the Balint bug as a first-year family medicine resident. Our residency was lucky to have Geoff and Katie Margo as Balint leaders for WEEKLY Balint groups for the entire three years of my residency. Little did I appreciate what a luxury that was! I credit that group with helping form the most important part of my professional self: the ability of self reflection. I have been involved with Balint ever since: attending intensives, leading groups, becoming a credentialed leader and supervisor, teaching at intensives, serving on the Council and now as Chair of the Credentialing Committee.

Balint is more than a process. To me it is a creed, an ethos, a way I approach the world. It has allowed me to learn how to see different perspectives, listen more intentionally, be a member of a caring community and to pass along these gifts to others. In these difficult times knowing there are like-minded "Balinters" in the world also strengthens my faith in humans and what we can do to help each other.